Coffee and Banana Protein Smoothie
Courtesy of Inside Fitness
Not only does coffee wake you up, but studies show that it can also help you burn fat and lower your risk of type 2 diab...

Loaded Chia Pudding
By: Sabrina Virdee (Courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Finding snacks that hit the spot but also tasty and easy to prepare can be a challenge –

Pan-Seared Shrimp with Zucchini Noodles
By: Sabrina Virdee (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Give chicken the night off with this quick and easy shrimp recipe that packs some serious punch in ...

Chocolate Chip Chickpea Peanut Butter Banana Blondies
By: Sabrina Virdee (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Makes 12 Blondies
1 15oz can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
½ cup all-natural cream...

Protein Pizza Crust
By: Sabrina Virdee (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Serves 2
1 whole egg
1 egg white
1 scoop unflavoured Protein Powder
1 ½ cups of oats

Chocolate Banana Muffins
By: Sabrina Virdee (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Makes 12 Muffins
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tbsp flax seed meal
1½ cups oat flou...

Protein Pumpkin Coconut Curry Soup
By: Sabrina Virdee (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Serves 4
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil or vegetable oil
1 ½ tbsp Thai red curry paste

Bullet Proof Coffee
By: Sabrina Virdee (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Bullet Proof Coffee
Serves 1
8 oz hot brewed coffee
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
1 ...

Turkey Cucumber Pin Wheels
By: Sabrina Virdee (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Leave the wrap behind! With these quick and easy Turkey Cucumber Pin Wheel’s you’ll get all of the ...