Are You Building The Best You?

Are You Building The Best You?

adviceJillian Kent
Whether you’re at the beginning of your fitness journey or an expert or in desperate need of some motivation to keep going, here at you have access to all your needs; 
Mind, Body & Soul

Mind, Body & Soul

conquerJillian Kent
Written by Brenley Cunningham It’s important to understand that living a full and healthy life isn’t exactly a simple process; that’s because the s...
The Best Of You: Relatively & Absolutely

The Best Of You: Relatively & Absolutely

fitnessJillian Kent
You may be of the opinion that there’s nothing wrong with second place, or even any placing at all, especially if you’re putting forth sincere effo...
Five Ways to Build Your Best Self

Five Ways to Build Your Best Self

best selfJillian Kent
  Written by Brenley Cunningham Most of us strive to become the best version of ourselves and ironically, we are usually the ones holding ourselves...
To Successful Athletes, Fitness is Second Nature

To Successful Athletes, Fitness is Second Nature

athleteJillian Kent
  Written by Tim Rigby You’ve heard the expression, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life”.  This expression has a myriad ...
Mentally Essential: Keys to a Successful Fitness Journey

Mentally Essential: Keys to a Successful Fitness Journey

big gainsJillian Kent
    Written by Tim Rigby The crucial role of the mind in terms of behaviour and discipline cannot be understated.  When you embark on a fitness jou...
Supplements Work: You Just Have To Do Your Part Too

Supplements Work: You Just Have To Do Your Part Too

health supplementsJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (Courtesy of Inside Fitness) An important consideration when committing to the concept of taking supplements is that they can only do...
Repetitive Renewal Keeps Your Motivational Fires Burning

Repetitive Renewal Keeps Your Motivational Fires Burning

fitness motivationJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness) Each year, many astute people get a jump-start on New Year’s Day by drawing up and commencing resolution...
Health VS. Fitness: Know the Difference

Health VS. Fitness: Know the Difference

fitnessJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (Courtesy of Inside Fitness) The terms “healthy” and “fit” are often used interchangeably, but there are in fact a myriad of distinct...
The Art of Goal Setting

The Art of Goal Setting

achieving goalsJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness) Once you’ve been training for a while, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that the great initi...
Motivation is the Mother of Success

Motivation is the Mother of Success

2021Jillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (Courtesy of Inside Fitness) “If I have to motivate you, I will fire you.” (Chuck Noll, iconic Pittsburgh Steelers coach; 4-time Supe...
The 4 Keys to Maximizing your Mind-Muscle Connection

The 4 Keys to Maximizing your Mind-Muscle Connection

health tipJillian Kent
You’ve no doubt heard the term “feel” many times, in reference to the execution of a weightlifting exercise.  This pertains to the ease at which you can perform a rep exactly as it was intended, and how well you can isolate a muscle when lifting, simply by focusing on it with your brain.  Over time, after numerous reps and lots of nights of sleep, the basal ganglia region of your brain becomes so accustomed to the exercise that performing it becomes second nature.  This phenomenon, particularly effective in your brain after a duration of 21 days,