How Are You Consuming Your Protein?
Protein has always been undeniably the king of the supplement industry. It is the corner stone to many nutrition and workout p...

Latest Trend: What are Functional Mushrooms and Adaptogens?
Latest Trend: What are Functional Mushrooms and Adaptogens?
Mushrooms and fungi are becoming all the rage these past few years, and with no signs o...

Membership has it's perks
What is FITCLUB?
FITCLUB is an exclusive members section with lot's of PERKS!
⭐ Full access to every issue of Inside Fitness Magazine (ove...

Embrace a plant based diet
How to embrace a plant based diet without sacrificing your strength and physique goals
No longer on the fringe, or foraging out in the fields, v...

What you need to know about Protein
Protein is easily the most commonly used supplement in the sports nutrition world. Protein can come in many forms, including whey, casein, egg, rice, hemp, and even beef. Just about all of them are considered complete proteins, so you get all of your essential amino acids in a single serving

The ISO Protein Upgrade You've Been Missing!
Within the last year, Yummy Sports, a local Quebec brand located right off the island of Montreal, was hard at work in the lab experimenting with new flavours for their new line of ISO protein.

Is Your Immunity Up To the Challenge?
With COVID continuing to be a threat, and with flu season fast approaching, many people are looking for ways to boost their immune system.

"Hot Girl Summer" Supplement Stack
We have all heard the term “hot girl summer”, and now that the weather is finally heating up and its summer shredding season.

Legendary Bodybuilder Joins MUTANT Nutrition asGlobal Brand Ambassador.
Vancouver, BC, Canada – During an enthusiastic signing ceremony at MUTANT N...

Are You Ready For the Gym Ontario?
For gym members in Ontario, it’s almost too good to be true. After having only a scant few opportunities to work out over the last 17 months (in the midst of three lockdowns), Ontario gyms are finally re-opening today on July 16 – this time, presumably for good.

Contenders Clothing: Changing the game, One License at a Time
Contenders clothing is a clothing brand out of Las Vegas, Nevada that is changing the game for comfortable boxer briefs and stylish designs.
These stylish designs come from being the official licensees of such well-known brands as Muhammad Ali, Rocky Movies, Creed Movies, Cobra Kai, Karate Kid and the newly launched Bloodsport collection.

Vegan Protein: What is it?
In an effort to ensure high-quality protein is available to all nutrition preferences, supplement companies over the last decade have accelerated the production of healthy vegan protein.