Get Leg Gains Fast With These Simple Hacks!
So now that gyms are finally back open again, we here at Fit Deals encourage you to make use of this unique piece of equipment and train on the leg press once a week or more.
Why Aren't Your Abs Seeing These Results?
Keep your abs strong with this final workout: Lie on the floor facing downward with your body fully elongated. Raise up onto your forearms, positioned at shoulder width, and your toes.
Your Summer Hack to a Quick Six Pack!
You want a shredded mid-section fast? You got it! Combined with a clean, protein-rich diet that’s low in carbs, the following original 4 week, 4 workouts/week program is just what you’re looking for.
Why You Need To Be Getting Outdoors!
Now that the milder temperatures are upon us across the country, Canadians are flocking to the great outdoors for physical and mental soundness. For those of you who’ve been chomping at the bit to take a break from the elliptical trainer, Stairmaster or treadmill and take things outside, there are likely many more options than simply running or walking that you may be neglecting.
HIIT 2.0
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a concept of training that should be at least vaguely familiar...
Get that Fit Body You Crave!
Written by Tim Rigby
There’s nothing sexier than a muscular yet defined body, and of all your many muscle groups, there are three in particular whi...
More Science, More Benefits
Written by Tim Rigby
Scientists at the Harvard Medical School recently conducted an in-depth investigation of what exactly it is that exercise does...
The Science of Hot Yoga and it's Health Benefits
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
The practice of yoga has exploded in recent years due to its many health benefits including flexibility,...
Technique Tweaks = Great Glutes
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Sound form is essential when it comes to training glutes. Polishing up your training technique to perfe...