NUTRITION BLOG | FITDEALS.CA – Page 3 Skip to content
The Role of Nutrition in Fitness

The Role of Nutrition in Fitness

fitnessJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (Courtesy of Inside Fitness)  Take a look at these axioms and consider for a moment which of them appear to be true: “You can’t out-...
High Cholesterol? Avoid Carbs, Not Saturated Fats

High Cholesterol? Avoid Carbs, Not Saturated Fats

Jillian Kent
By Tim Rigby (copyright IFM Media) An interesting new discovery published in the scientific journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine has concluded that...
The 7 Healthiest Seafood Items You Need in Your Diet

The 7 Healthiest Seafood Items You Need in Your Diet

blogTerry Frendo

By Deanna Minch -- Courtesy: Inside Fitness

Seafood can be added to the timetable for a change of food taste. It has this unique, delicious taste that is unbeatable. Seafood is very easy to cook. Apart from the unique taste of seafood, it is enriched with protein and good fat. Your regular meat may be a source of protein, but it’s filled with saturated fat, which is harmful to health. It raises low-density lipoprotein; this means that it increases the risk of developing heart disease.
The ABCs of the Bs

The ABCs of the Bs

b vitaminsJillian Kent

By: Sarah Ainsley Harrison (copyright IFM Media)

Vitamins are organic micronutrients that often get overlooked, but play an enormous rolei in the body’s functioning. Subdivided into two classes, water soluble and fat soluble, vitamins must be sequestered daily in small quantities from the diet. The B vitamins are a group of eight water soluble compounds that are involved in almost every cellular process in the body.

Obscure Liver Protein Responsible for Anti-Aging

Obscure Liver Protein Responsible for Anti-Aging

basicsJillian Kent
By Tim Rigby (copyright IFM Media)  The health benefits of exercise are immeasurable and certainly include the myriad of effects on the brain, suc...
The Nutrition of Immunity

The Nutrition of Immunity

healthJillian Kent
(Copyright of IFM Media) Let’s take a look at what foods and nutrients you should be consuming in order to keep your immunity strong – and which o...
Rethinking Your Nutrition

Rethinking Your Nutrition

nutritionJillian Kent
By Tim Rigby (copyright IFM Media) For some of our readers who focus predominantly on training (at the expense of nutrition), this special annual ...

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