The Resurgence of Specialty Techniques

The Resurgence of Specialty Techniques

big gainsJillian Kent
  Written by Tim Rigby   With the hope of gyms being open again and people intending to flock back to make up for lost training time, you may have ...
De-Bunking 3 Fitness Competition Myths

De-Bunking 3 Fitness Competition Myths

competitionJillian Kent
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT In the business world during this seemingly never-ending pandemic, companies are relying heavily on their abil...
Walking: 7 Pros, 3 Cons & How to Fix 'Em

Walking: 7 Pros, 3 Cons & How to Fix 'Em

fitnessJillian Kent
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT It’s the world’s oldest and most commonly performed physical exercise: walking; it’s widely known as being a b...
Small Angles Training

Small Angles Training

fitnessJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness) Sometimes when you’re training, you have to think beyond your fingertips and realize that there’s a lot ...
Slow-Mo Selfies: Full Body Training

Slow-Mo Selfies: Full Body Training

fitnessJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness) The term “selfies” has been ubiquitous since the explosive rise of social media, and like everyone knows...
Back Attack: Reducing the Involvement of Your Biceps

Back Attack: Reducing the Involvement of Your Biceps

backJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness) Although people perform the lat pulldown to grow the muscles in their back, usually in the hope of getti...
The Rebirth of the Pre-Exhaust Principle

The Rebirth of the Pre-Exhaust Principle

fitnessJillian Kent
By: Tim Rigby (Courtesy of Inside Fitness) If you’re under the age of 30, you may be scratching your head and wondering, “what exactly is the pre-e...
Making Training Efficient

Making Training Efficient

fit dealsJillian Kent

By Tim Rigby (copyright IFM Media)

Recently, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) surveyed 1,000 of their certified personal trainers on what they perceive to be the most effective techniques for getting fit.  Their top three answers were, in order of indication:

DeLorme + Oxford = Super Strength Gains

DeLorme + Oxford = Super Strength Gains

delormeJillian Kent

By Tim Rigby (copyright IFM Media)

Many fitness athletes, even at an advanced level, are unfamiliar with the DeLorme and Oxford Methods of training.  These two programs are referred to as progressive resistance exercises (PREs) as the amount of weight used changes within sets, but the number of repetitions per set remains the same.  In both cases specifically, sets of 10 reps are performed.  Over the last few decades, each mode has been examined scrupulously and the results have shown consistently that both are effective for increases in strength, though research does show one is slightly more effective than the other. We’ll get to that shortly.

Transitional Training: Phase 3

Transitional Training: Phase 3

fitnessJillian Kent
By Tim Rigby (copyright IFM Media) Here’s where you finally get reminded of just how much fun weight training can be.  You’ve progressed through a...
Transitional Training: Phase 2

Transitional Training: Phase 2

fitnessJillian Kent
By Tim Rigby (Copyright IFM Media) Now that a foundation for transitional training has been established, it’s time to progress to the Phase 2 work...
Transitional Workout: Phase 1

Transitional Workout: Phase 1

fitnessJillian Kent
By Tim Rigby (copyright IFM Media) This “primer” Phase 1 workout will wake up your muscles which have been at a low intensity level for several mo...