De-Bunking 3 Fitness Competition Myths
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT
In the business world during this seemingly never-ending pandemic, companies are relying heavily on their abil...
Walking: 7 Pros, 3 Cons & How to Fix 'Em
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT
It’s the world’s oldest and most commonly performed physical exercise: walking; it’s widely known as being a b...
Core Beliefs: Training For Summertime Sport Performance
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT
After a long, cold winter (plus that nasty pandemic keeps raging on), people across Canada are drooling to ge...
No Bench, No Barbell, No Cables - No Problem! Building Huge Pecs in an Unconventional Way
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT
We here at Fit Deals know how much you miss the gym at this time. While it seemed to be just the other day ...
Rest Reductions = Greater Gains
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Simply decreasing rest periods for improved results sounds overly basic and you may doubt its practical ...
Bench Press Program Capsule
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
You’re intense, your training is intense and powerlifting is all about brute, maximum force for just one...
Back Attack: Reducing the Involvement of Your Biceps
By: Tim Rigby (courtesy of Inside Fitness)
Although people perform the lat pulldown to grow the muscles in their back, usually in the hope of getti...