Is Your Metabolism In The Way Of Your Weight Loss?

Is Your Metabolism In The Way Of Your Weight Loss?

herbalJillian Kent
With our pants fitting a little snug, it’s safe to say many of us are feeling the weight of the CoVID 15lbs. 
Are You a Healthy Eater?

Are You a Healthy Eater?

adviceJillian Kent
There is increasing evidence that what we put into our bodies plays as big a role in the presence or absence of disease than just about anything else. Those who eat healthy simply have a longer life and a better quality of life when compared to those who do not choose to eat healthy.
It's Not The Fat, It's The Water Retention: Learn to Beat the Bloat

It's Not The Fat, It's The Water Retention: Learn to Beat the Bloat

avoidJillian Kent
Written by Tim Rigby, M.A., NSCA-CPT Here at Fit Deals, Canada’s best online source for supplements, we appreciate how much effort and sweat you po...